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Associate Pastor & Principal
School Secretary/Monitor
Erin Burtnett
Jerry Johnson
Stephanie Erler
Jeanette Myers
Donna Gutierrez
Gloria Moya
Emilee Johnson
Emilee Johnson
Lauren Johnson
Terry Johnson
Holly Valenzuela
Senior Pastor
Tim Johnson
Barb Johnson
Renee Johnson
S  c  h  o  o  l     S t a f f
Supervisors must be licensed by Association of Christian Teachers and Schools.  They provide motivation, discipline and instruction through one on one student assistance and group class instruction.  All Supervisors help students to progress spiritually as well as academically.  They receive training from Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) and attend annual educator's training conventions to enhance and add to their ongoing knowledge of curriculum development, technology and classroom procedure.  
Classrooms have teacher's aides called monitors who help keep the classroom orderly and are responsible for academic record keeping.  They receive training at the ACE educator's conventions.
Teacher's Aides
Pastor Jerry founded Paradise Christian School in 1975 and has been active with the school from it's inception, holding the positions of Principal, Teacher, and Coach.  He is currently Superintendent of PCS and teaches Mid-School and High School Music Classes.  He also regularly speaks in Chapel.
Celebrating 50 Years
Teachers and Monitors